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Rejuran® S

Rejuran® S has been specifically designed to be injected under the surface of acne scars. It has a higher concentration of polynucleotides to boost the healing of acne scar tissues. This injection will repair the skin at the precise locations where collagen production is needed most. The DNA extract in Rejuran® S is obtained from wild-caught salmon from a specific region in Seoul and is processed in a controlled environment to ensure consistency and good quality.

What is Rejuran® S?

Rejuran® S promotes tissue restoration, reconstruction and improvement of the physical appearance of acne scars. Optimised for scar tissue repair, each treatment will result in smoother skin, and more shallow acne scars.
Rejuran® S consists of polynucleotides (PN), which is derived from salmon DNA, making it biocompatible with humans so it can be used by almost anybody.

Some may confuse polynucleotides (PN) and polydeoxynucleotides (PDRN). Both substances are made up of salmon DNA fragments. PDRN was widely used in South Korea for skin rejuvenation, enhancing hair growth, reversing the signs of ageing skin (anti-ageing), and skin restoration. In contrast, PN is a newer, purer version of PDRN that has more skin-healing and rejuvenation properties.

What Is The Difference Between Rejruan® S & Rejuran® Healer?

Rejuran® S and Rejuran® Healer are both made of polynucleotides (PN), which promote skin cell growth by inducing fibroblast and collagen production. Polynucleotide chains are DNA fragments that repair damaged dermal (skin) cells and assist in collagen stimulation. Rejuran® S is more concentrated and more viscous in texture than Rejuran® healer, and therefore better suited for acne scar treatments whereas Rejuran® healer is used for overall rejuvenation of aged and damaged skin.

Rejuran S (Scar)


Rejuran Healer

Where Can Rejuran® S Be Used?

Rejuran S can be used anywhere on the face for the treatment of depressed acne scars. Our doctors will target your treatment depending on your skin condition and position of acne scars. In addition to shallowing out acne scars, by injecting tiny amounts into the superficial layers of the skin, Rejuran® S also provides the following benefits:

What Conditions Can Rejuran® S Be Used For?

How Are Acne Scars Formed?

Acne scars are caused by deep inflammation and cyst formation with a scar. After inflammation and injury to the skin by acne, the skin will try to heal itself by producing collagen to replace the ones that have been damaged. In some cases, optimal healing might not occur, and may instead form twisted bands between the skin and the SMAS layer, which causes the skin to change shape, get pulled downwards and sink in, forming a deep, pitted scar.

How Does Rejuran® S Help Acne Scars?

Rejuran® S helps to reduce the appearance of acne scarring by inducing collagen reproduction and healing of the skin structure. The texture of Rejuran® S is more viscous and gel-like compared to Rejuran® Healer and acts like a filler to fill up sunken scars, and at the same time, the rejuvenating properties of Rejuran® S will repair the skin at the dermis.

Use Rejuran® S With Subcision For Better Results.

Rejuran® S can also be combined with Subcision to achieve maximum results. Subcision uses a bigger needle and micro-cannulas to break up the fibrotic strands that cause depression in the skin which then releases the tension of the scar. Rejuran® S will then be injected into the base of the acne scar with a 34G needle to stimulate the skin’s fibroblast to induce collagen reproduction and repair dermal skin cells.

Where Is Rejuran® S Injected To?

Rejuran® S creates a scaffold that allows more fibroblasts to stimulate the production of collagen for acne scar improvement. The Rejuran® S Treatment involves the use of non-invasive micro-injections to administer the treatment into the superficial dermis and remain in the top layer of the skin. It stimulates the growth of fibroblasts, a type of cell that generates collagen and other cells within the skin’s extracellular matrix.

More fibroblasts mean more collagen and more newly-generated cells that replace old, damaged ones. It also means that the skin will be smoother and more elastic. Best of all, because Rejuran® S acts as a healing agent, even conditions such as eczema, acne-induced inflammation and old deep-set acne scars can be healed and eliminated.

What To Expect During Your Treatment?

Before the procedure, a topical numbing cream is applied to make the procedure more comfortable. Like Skinboosters, Rejuran® S can be injected into the dermis layer of the skin using manual injections with a very small needle. At VIDASKIN, we employ the manual injection technique as it ensures that the product is precisely placed in the correct layer and targeted areas for the best results. Also, with manual injections, downtime with Rejuran® S Healer is minimal.
After the procedure, to further enhance results and recovery, you can have the option of being treated with a cooling mask, LED light therapy or Calecim Serum.

Live Confidently! Target Scars With Rejuran® S!

Interested in trying out Rejuran S but have some unanswered queries, feel free to get in touch with us at 9830 0597. A skin assessment will help determine what treatment will work best for you. We recommend that you come by for a nonobligatory consultation with Dr.Vicki or Dr Elizabeth to better understand how you can benefit from these treatments. However, if you do not have the time to spare, you may send us some photos and we will do our best to advise accordingly.

A Clinic You Can Trust.

At VIDASKIN, we provide patients and clients with only the best and safest treatments available, treatments that we believe in, and would use on ourselves and our families.

Our doctors are meticulous and committed to ensuring that the best possible treatment is administered to meet your needs. The results derived from the treatment are also largely dependent on the method and hand skills of the doctor. When you choose VIDASKIN, you are choosing experienced professionals who prioritise holistic treatment plans that suit your concerns, goals and lifestyle.

Feel free to get in touch with us at 9830 0597. A skin assessment will help determine what treatment will work best for you. We recommend that you come by for a nonobligatory consultation with our doctors to better understand how you can benefit from these treatments. However, if you do not have the time to spare, you may send us some photos and we will do our best to advise accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rejuran® S is proven one of the safest and most effective skin rejuvenating treatments that effectively targets scars in Asia. Rejuran® S has 1 ml per syringe. The amount required would be determined based on the size of the scars to be healed. We recommend four Rejuran® S treatments for best results. Keep in mind that there should be a 3- to 4-week interval between treatments. Patients may also request maintenance treatments every 6 to 12 months for continuous collagen production.

What’s great about Rejuran® S is that it can be combined with anti-aging treatments such as chemical peels or laser techniques. Combining Rejuran® S with these procedures help to boost skin improvement. If you’re having issues with rough skin, enlarged pores, sagging skin, or pigmentations, give us a call, and we’ll create a treatment plan for you.

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Patients may expect mild swelling in the treated area after a Rejuran® S treatment. Your doctor may advise you to apply a cold compress to reduce the swelling.

The regenerative benefits of Rejuran® S can be seen around 4-6 weeks after treatment as it rely's on your skin cell turnover. You’ll start to notice that your skin is getting smoother and tightened, and scars and the size of your pores are reduced.

Rejuran® S is suitable for both men and women, especially ones with damaged skin related to the sun, ageing or acne. Rejuran® S has powerful rejuvenation and anti-inflammatory properties that help with skin healing, regeneration and renewal. It is also excellent in young adults as a preventive treatment to delay the ageing process, so you will always look younger than your age.

The Rejuran® S treats all types of acne scarring, such as:
✓ Box scars
✓ Rolling scars
✓ Ice-pick scars.

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